A cigar that is ‘sharp and rugged’ but at the same time lively and with a noticeable personality: legitimate heir to the 19th-century charm of the early TOSCANO® cigars. With its medium brown tonality, the Italian tobacco offers all the characteristics that have been appreciated by smokers for more than 80 years. The typical blend of the filler includes the best grades of heavy filler (apical leaves) from the Valdichiana and Valtiberina, to which is added a small percentage of median leaves, which balance the blend.
Tasting Notes: Natural Tobacco, Smoky, Spicy
Wrapper: Italian Kentucky
Filler: Italian & Foreign Kentucky
Country of Origin: Italy
Factory: Lucca
Brand: Toscano
Strength: Medium
Size: 6.0 x 38
Filler: America
Updated by TORO on: 09-20-2024 04:29:04 PM
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