300 HANDS, is an all too real story of collaboration told through a “value” line of premium cigars from Southern Draw Cigars. The result of approximately 300 small steps and those hands producing nearly identical handmade rolled bundles of our patiently aged and naturally fermented tobaccos that we know as premium cigars. The process of hand making a premium cigar is a deliberate marriage of art and skill that has been passed down from generation to generation and our beloved Nicaragua, with its complex tobaccos and dedicated people, is now the most prominent supplier of this unique art form to the United States. 300 HANDS is a celebration of the most distinctive tobaccos born of Nicaragua’s special combination of soil, temperature and sunlight, each blended with complementary tobaccos from other growing regions offering a differing, yet refined processes and most notably, the tobacco-stained hands that meticulously perform every step required to produce a Southern Draw cigar. It is the people of Nicaragua that we believe are now the backbone of this great industry.
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Leather, Spice, Sweetness
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Binder: Indonesia
Filler: Dominican Republic & Nicaragua
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Factory: Tabacalera AJ Fernandez Cigars de Nicaragua S.A.
Brand: Southern Draw Cigars
Strength: Medium-Full
Size: 6.1 x 52
Updated by TORO on: 09-18-2024 09:17:38 AM
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