The “Charter Oak Pegnataro and Pasquale” cigars embody the commitment to excellence and artistry that define Foundation Cigar Company. Crafted by Nicholas Melillo, Founder and Master Blender, these cigars pay homage to the unwavering spirit and timeless wisdom passed down by his grandfathers. They also serve to pay tribute the opening of Foundation’s new office on a 300-acre farm in the heart of the Connecticut River Valley tobacco growing region. “My love for handmade cigars exists only because of my grandfather’s. One was an avid CT Broadleaf smoker and the other loved CT shade. These blends are completely different than the core line of Charter Oak. They are richer and more complex.” Charter Oak CT Broadleaf Pasquale is a cigar that revolves around the renowned Connecticut Broadleaf seed, resulting in a captivating Maduro wrapper with a dark, rich complexion. This full-bodied blend embraces the senses with deep, earthy undertones, balanced by notes of sweetness and strength. It is a bold and flavorful choice for those seeking an indulgent smoking experience with robust character. In contrast, Charter Oak CT Shade Pegnataro features a golden-brown Connecticut Shade wrapper, exuding elegance and refinement. Despite its milder profile, this medium-bodied cigar showcases a depth of flavor that surprises the palate. With delicate hints of cedar, almond, and a subtle sweetness, Charter Oak CT Shade Pegnataro presents a harmonious balance that appeals to aficionados seeking a more nuanced and flavorful smoke.
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Binder: Jalapa Nicaragua
Filler: Esteli & Jalapa Nicaragua
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Factory: Tabacalera AJ Fernandez Cigars de Nicaragua S.A.
Brand: Charter Oak
Strength: Medium-Full
Size: 5.5 x 48
Country of Origin: NicaraguaWrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf & AmericaBinder: Jalapa NicaraguaFiller: Esteli Nicaragua & Jalapa Nicaragua
Updated by TORO on: 09-23-2024 10:23:32 AM
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